Answer all questions that apply to you (some may not). Avoid naming people, places, organizations or churches. Your responses should be four to five sentences each. When you are ready to record, feel free to change the order of the questions with whatever works best for you.
Describe the condition of your life/heart before you accepted Christ. Try to include these three elements:
Your belief system and its origin.
What did you let yourself believe would be the source of your fulfillment?
Where did that belief come from? (Include the source of your belief—where you grew up,
childhood trauma, parents, hanging out with the wrong crowd, culture, etc.)
Describe the experience or moment of realizing and actually surrendering your life to Christ. Include these three elements:
Since you’ve surrendered your life to Christ, what has changed? Resist the urge to skip your entire journey from the day you received Christ to current day.
Finally, briefly encourage others as if you were sitting down with a friend who was on the verge of making a decision for Christ. What would you tell them to encourage them to trust the Lord?
© Miles McPherson 2015
© Miles McPherson 2015